Business Tax Preparation

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you are a Sole-Proprietor, Corporation, Partnership, or Trust, there are complexities to the tax law that may apply to your business.  smpl Tax and Accounting can help take any guesswork of deductions and give you the confidence that if you are audited, you have an experienced CPA to fight for you.

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As a sole-proprietor your business income and expenses are reported on your personal tax return - schedule C, The classification between personal and business expenses are not easy to define. Logic alone may not always follow tax law.

smpl can help.

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Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and partnerships

Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies (LLC) are separate entities and must usually file a tax return separate from the individual owner(s). Forming and managing entities to take advantage of tax law, and reach the maximum benefits is what smpl does best.

smpl is smpl.

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Corporations provide a range of options that when understood can present advantageous tax strategies. As businesses get larger, layering entities can also benefit from severability.

S-Corporations and C-Corporations both have advantages. smpl knows when to switch and why.

smpl is smart.